Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Make a Movie or A Wild Thing!

Greg allowed us to explore many websites today which were so engaging and fun to use.  We made movies and even a portrait of ourselves as wild animal hybrids.  There are so many websites on the web which are fun activities for students to explore.  My favourite by far was the where you can design your own vision of who you are as wild animal.  After the course today, I came home and showed my partner, Jason, as well as my best friend the website.  They both had a great time building their wildselves as I am positive most students would.  Not only was the wild self activity fun, after you have built yourself, you can find out about the animal parts you used and how they are important for the animals that possess them.

Another interesting website we visited today was Sketch Swap ( where you sketch a picture, submit it, then receive someonelse's sketch from around the world.  This is an interesting way to view the world as globally connected as you can see how different people design, create and sketch what's on their minds.  As Greg stated, it is a little scary to bring something like this into a young classroom, as you never know what the swap will bring up, but still, an engaging activity.

My sketch
Swap sketch

Movie maker  (

Movies using

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